Data Storage
PAIS Multiscale Microscopy Center
Data Storage
All microscopes, workstations, and servers are connected to the PAIS-MMC data storage server. PAIS-MMC access provides users with a minimum of 4 TB of locally redundant storage (LRS) on the storage server. Typically, a data share is created for each PI. These shares can be mounted on the microscopes and computers located in the PAIS building. We can customize permissions for your shares. External access is via JupyterHub or SSH/SCP to one of the Linux servers.
LRS data is backed up on-site, as opposed to in the cloud or at a different location. Nightly backups keep files on the backup server and won't delete files from the backup if they are moved or deleted from the shares. We will periodically perform a 'backup with delete,' which will be announced in advance. This will make an exact copy of the current LRS shares and delete data from the backup server that is not on the shares.
We make no guarantee about the preservation or safety of your data. You can make your own risk assessment based on our protocols.
The storage server hardware and initial 200 TB were provided through the UNM PERC program. If you use the storage server as part of a published work, you must acknowledge this in the publication using a variant of the following phrasing:
"This work was conducted with support from the University of New Mexico Office of the Vice President for Research Program for Enhancing Research Capacity."